About two months ago, we had wanted to reactivate and revitalize our brand at Elastik for all the reasons that make a company seriously consider highlighting itself. As soon as we were about to do that, the war in Palestine began.
The initial plan included filming and recording discussion episodes concerning the work our company does, addressing human and social issues we work on within the company, and introducing people to us and to our future aspirations.
I, Ghadi – one of the founders – felt completely unable to begin the company’s planned strategy. We discussed internally and agreed on the stance, with some differences in how to approach it.
At the moment the war broke out in Palestine, I felt that anything we did was tasteless and colorless. The only thing that had taste – the taste of victory – and color – the color of blood – was fighting against injustice and oppression with all the strength one had; physical strength.
From the first moment, I began to contemplate “War and Work”, sometimes with myself and other times with Maher – the other founder –.
The first and intuitive feeling is that war and work are contradictory. But that was the easiest of emotions, the least thoughtful and mature.
How can war and work coexist? In times of war, what is the meaning of work?
The answers were there and clear. The general answer is that everyone must fight from their position and champion the truth using the tools they possess.
This answer is clear, but the challenge lies in its implementation. How can an individual, a group of people, or an institution express their opinion without it benefiting them? Even if the benefit is just a faint light shone on them instead of on Palestine. Regardless of whether this light costs a company its customers, or costs someone their job. On the contrary, the negative impacts shed a brighter light on them and garner more attention to them as individuals. They become the center of attention. Where is Palestine in this regard?
Everyone advocating for the cause, sitting on a chair behind a desk, risks stealing a little of the light from those who are entitled to it.
Does this mean that silence is better? Definitely not.
Does it mean that the only work that benefits the cause is to cover one’s face, take up arms, and head to the front? Also no. Practically, this is an unattainable idea, and moreover, there are groups who do their duty, who know what to do, and that is their role.
There’s another role played by those who wear suits and advocate for the cause in their attire, even if they benefit from more light than those who fight with their bodies in the dark. The responsibility of the men in suits is to redirect any light that comes their way.
I personally found it difficult to have me or Elastik be in the spotlight right now, and preferred to dim it and keep it confined to a written text that I share with those concerned.
And I promise myself, that I will continue to write and speak on this subject and others, even if it costs me and Elastik a little of the light we don’t deserve, which we will work to redirect to its rightful owners.